Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Greetings D.A,R.T. technicians:

What an incredible ride this has been hasn’t it? In 27 days we have been blessed with over $40,000 is pledges from across the world. I’ve had the opportunity to talk to fans, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles who believe as we do, that there’s a need for more all ages comics content. I’ve been humbled by the power of friendship as old friends, new friends, my peers in the comics industry and pledges from unexpected sources have supported this endeavor. I don’t think I can properly express how much it means to me to have my friends come together, both old and new. 
There’s still as of this writing 67 hours left in our campaign and as of this writing, we still need to raise $4,600 dollars before 8:18 Am Friday, August 31st.
We’re still offering a number of great incentives at every level including:

*Signed copies for $50.00
*Sketch copies for $100.00 (only three left)
And your likeness drawn into a page of Molly Danger: Book one.
* You’ll receive four copies of the finished book as well as the original artwork with your likeness drawn as a prominent character. This is limited to 10 backers.

Technicians…Friends…. This has been an amazing experience. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless,

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